
This website is funded by

  • Creative Industries Fund
  • Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
  • Stowa
  • Interreg – 2 Seas Mers Zeeën, SPONGE2020

Based on the book “Green-blue grids, manual for resilient cities”

Hiltrud Pötz
With contributions of
Pierre Bleuzé, Amar Sjauw En Wa – Windhorst and Hans van Someren
Deborah Sherwood, Rob Bradley, Mishka Stuip, and Gina Forno
Graphic design
Madeleine d’Ersu
Die Keure
atelier GROENBLAUW, 2016

Subject to the exceptions to the rights given under the Copyright Law of 1912, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or made public, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
For all images in this book the explicit permission of the owner was asked. Not all holders of the used images could be retrieved. Stakeholders are requested to contact atelier GROENBLAUW (Koningsplein 93, 2611 XG Delft, Netherlands, www.ateliergroenblauw.nl).

For permission to use of any part of this publication in anthologies, readers and other compilation works (Article 16 of the Copywright Law of 1912) please contact atelier GROENBLAUW (Koningsplein 93, 2611 XG Delft, Netherlands, www.ateliergroenblauw.nl).

The book has been made possible by the financial contributions of

  • Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur
  • Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
  • Stowa
  • Gemeente Rotterdam
  • Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
  • RIONED Foundation
  • Waterschap Vechtstromen
  • Waterkader Haaglanden
  • Leven met water
  • Alliander
  • Waterschap Aa en Maas
  • Provincie Drenthe
  • Waternet

Urban Green-blue Grids is a product of atelier GROENBLAUW

Author and project manager
Hiltrud Pötz
With contributions of
Amar Sjauw En Wa – Windhorst, Hans van Someren, Madeleine d’Ersu, and Bas van Someren
Deborah Sherwood, Rob Bradley, Mishka Stuip, and Gina Forno
Web development
Lisa Dalhuijsen (Studio With)
Graphic design
Chantel van Beurden and Evi van de Logt

Do you have a suggestion or question? Contact us!

E-mail: hiltrudpotz@ateliergroenblauw.nl
Phone number: +31 6 411 33 77 6
Website: www.ateliergroenblauw.nl


Koningsplein 93
2611 XG Delft
The Netherlands

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