Select the stakeholders you’d like to collaborate with and find out which methods are most suitable for this.
Action days
Attending existing community group meetings and local events
Awareness campaign using the (social) media
Building a community website
Celebrity endorsement
Celebtrating milestones
Citizen science
Collaborative mapping ‒ problems, opportunities and ‘dream’ scenarios
Data review and accesibility
Demonstration of sample design elements such as plants
Demonstration using 3D models of the urban area
Design sprint
Design workshops/Climate studio
Door-to-door conversations
Educating children on climate adaptation outside the regular school programme
Engagement video
Expert tables
Face-to-face meetings with stakeholders
Garden makeover competition videos
Guerrilla actions/flash mob
Instruction video
Lecture by external experts
Neighbourhood ambassadors
Organising a conference
Organising a festival or community event
Project website
Rules for cooperation
School visits
Setting up a contact point in the neighbourhood
Speed dating to facilitate one-on-one conversations
Stakeholder excursion ‒ visiting inspirational sites
Tour/site visit for consultation with residents and entrepreneurs
Tour/site visit for consultation with stakeholders
Work with artist to gather and visualise stakeholder aspirations
Working with schools on climate adaptation