In July 2009 the ‘Nomadisch Grün’ (Nomadic Green) organisation took over a vacant lot measuring 6,000 m2 from the municipality in Kreuzberg, Berlin. The area has since been transformed into an organic and social garden. Fruits and vegetables are grown by the community for its own use and for sale. There is a café-restaurant where workshops are given, and there are activities for children and schools. Everyone is welcome: mothers and their children, students, artists, natives, immigrants and counter-culturists work together, and the new media-yuppies visit the restaurant on their lunch breaks.

The garden is mobile; everything is in containers and can be moved if necessary. The garden is temporary and evolving and can change depending on what the participants want. If the city of Berlin needs the land, the ‘garden nomads’ can move somewhere else. The city of Berlin has hired a coordinator who is responsible for the urban gardens and who will help find a location for a new garden or to move an existing garden if necessary. Prinzessinnengarten, 2011